What is Coaching?

A purposeful conversation that inspires you to create the results you want ICF Definitions:

Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.

In ICF Coaching Core Competency: A Coach does 4 Grouping competencies that have 11th ICF Coaching Core Competencies: Setting The Foundation, Co-Creating The Relationship, Communicating Effectively, and Facilitating Learning and Results.

11th ICF Coaching Core Competencies:

Establishing the Coaching Agreement – Ability to understand what is required in the specific coaching interaction and to come to agreement with the prospective client about the coaching process and relationship.
Establishing Trust and Intimacy with the Client – Ability to create a safe, supportive environment that produces ongoing mutual respect and trust.
Coaching Presence – Ability to be fully conscious and create spontaneous relationship with the client, employing a style that is open, flexible and confident.
Active Listening – Ability to focus completely on what the client is saying and is not saying, to understand the meaning of what is said in the context of the client’s desires, and to support client self-expression.
Powerful Questioning – Ability to ask questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship and the client.
Direct Communication – Ability to communicate effectively during coaching sessions, and to use language that has the greatest positive impact on the client.
Creating Awareness – Ability to integrate and accurately evaluate multiple sources of information, and to make interpretations that help the client to gain awareness and thereby achieve agreed-upon results.
Designing Actions – Ability to create with the client opportunities for ongoing learning, during coaching and in work/life situations, and for taking new actions that will most effectively lead to agreed-upon coaching results.
Planning and Goal Setting – Ability to develop and maintain an effective coaching plan with the client.
Managing Progress and Accountability – Ability to hold attention on what is important for the client, and to leave responsibility with the client to take action.

People all over the world are making changes in their lives because of the economic downturn. To make these changes they are increasingly looking to work with a coach to support them.

In coaching, we will always focus on what’s most important to you, and find the most natural and effortless way to make the breakthroughs you want. We will quickly help you get clear on the best outcome for you, create a plan, develop priorities, and then begin to close the gap.

We would like to help you discover your unique gifts and talents; what you’re most passionate about, what are the strengths that contribute the most to your success and what holds you back the most. Align your strengths and passions – to your career, and business model – and help you get much better and more meaningful results.

There’s A Difference Between Interest And Commitment. When You’re Interested In Doing Something, You Do It Only When Circumstance Permit. When You’re Committed To Something, You Accept No Excuses, Only Results.” Art Turock.

Let’s find How COACHABLE are YOU?


Jika Anda seorang pebisnis, profesional yang ingin menjadi pebisnis ataupun personal yang ingin menemukan potensi terbaik yang ada dalam diri Anda, silakan hubungi Master Coach Margetty Herwin, SBCF Admin WA 0822-4902-3902 Untuk mendapatkan sesi Business Diagnosis Gratis, dan mendapatkan info mengenai jadwal dan topik seminar kami, silakan contact via email ke: [email protected]

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